
Mini Masterclass: Summarising Data in Excel

  • E-Learning
  • 40 minutes
  • English

Mini Masterclass: Summarising Data in Excel

Price - 1,000 AED
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Course Description:

In this dynamic course, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential techniques and functions required to efficiently summarize data in Excel. From basic totals and grouping to advanced statistical analysis, you'll unlock the full potential of Excel's capabilities for data summarization.

Discover how to extract common statistics such as average, minimum, and maximum values from selected ranges of cells using built-in functions. Learn to utilize advanced functions like COUNTIF, SUMIF, SUMIFS, and SUMPRODUCT to perform specific calculations and summarization tasks based on user-defined criteria.


  1. Calculate basic totals, group data, and count cells to interpret data effectively.
  2. Utilize Excel functions to extract common statistics like average, minimum, and maximum values from data ranges.
  3. Master COUNTIF and SUMIF functions to count and sum items based on specific criteria.
  4. Explore advanced formulas like SUMPRODUCT for complex operations in a single step.
  5. Learn to use SUMIFS to add multiple criteria for inclusive data summarization.

Enroll now in our Summarising Data in Excel mini masterclass and elevate your data analysis skills to new heights. Gain the confidence and expertise to efficiently summarize and interpret data, empowering you to make informed decisions and derive actionable insights from your datasets.

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