
Disruptive Focus and Virtua formed a groundbreaking partnership aimed at revolutionizing the corporate and institutional training landscape using immersive technologies. Disruptive Focus, as a catalyst for change, sought to transform traditional learning experiences by harnessing emerging technologies. Meanwhile, Virtua, a metaverse driven by games and social experiences, provided a dynamic virtual space where individuals could create, play, and socialize. 

Together, Disruptive Focus and Virtua created a unique environment within the metaverse for education, upskilling, and re-skilling initiatives. Through the power of Web3 technologies, they shifted ownership, identity, and communication back to the users, empowering them in their digital experiences. By collaborating with major brand partners across various industries, including entertainment, art, music, sports, blockchain, crypto, and gaming, the partnership offered innovative and immersive ways to engage with favorite passions. 

This partnership marked a significant step forward in leveraging the potential of the metaverse and immersive technologies for transformative learning experiences, empowering individuals to thrive in the digital economy while fostering the development of human capital.