
Intro to Smart Contracts

  • Webinar
  • 2 hours
  • English

Intro to Smart Contracts

Price - 350 AED
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Course Description:

Smart contracts are digital contracts that are programmed to execute specific actions when certain conditions are met. They are written using computer code and stored on a blockchain to provide a secure, self-enforcing agreement between two or more parties. This session will explain the purpose, real-life examples, and legal implications of smart contracts in various industries incorporating blockchain technology.


  1. Contextualising blockchain 
  2. Identifying how smart contracts fit in
  3. Exploring applications & use cases for smart contracts
  4. Discussing challenges for adoption

Do you have any questions regarding the Intro to Smart Contracts?


Dr. Stuart Thomas

Director, Learning

  • RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub – World’s first university research, education and industry engagement centre dedicated to the social science of blockchain and Web3 
  • RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub ranked #2 in the world by CoinDesk (2021) for blockchain research and education
  • RMIT Digital3 – RMIT University’s aggregator for research, education, and industry engagement in blockchain, AI and analytics, Cybersecurity and safety, digital Social responsibility and the future of work in the digital economy.

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